This is my go-to pancake recipe. Mix, sizzle, flip and serve. They come together in a flash, cook with minutes and taste fantastic. The best part? They're vegan & gluten-free yet you wouldn't even know, so soft and delicious. This recipe is a favorite in our home. I hope you love and cherish this recipe as much as we do. From my heart and kitchen to yours! With love, Christa
Most mornings in our house start with a smoothie or oatmeal, usually depending on the temperature. Every now and then I get a hankering for pancakes and this recipe was created on one such morning. I wanted a small stack for two that wouldn't hurt our figures this season but would still satisfy the craving. I found just the ticket with gluten-free oats ground into a powder combined with corn flour creating a unique spin on the original Bisquick version I grew up on. Soon they were covered with a super-powered warm blackberry sauce, the secret ingredient? Chia seeds for thyroid health and protein. It's hard to tell that there is no dairy, refined sugar or gluten in this recipe, just good-for-you ingredients to fuel your body so you glow from the inside out!
Makes 5 Pancakes
Peaceful Preparation:
Gluten Free Tip: For those with a sever gluten-allergy like Celiac disease replace the gluten-free oat flour with an all-purpose gluten-free baking flour mix in the pancake and sauce recipe. Also ensure the baking powder is gluten-free (I also like to find aluminum free.)
What do you get when you combine apples, dates, cinnamon and pancakes on a balmy Saturday? Apple Date Fusion Smothered Over Gluten Free Pancakes!
I was on a creative spark this morning. Taking it slow, sipping some coffee, cleaning the house and so forth when new delicious creations came to me. First - date sauce. It reminds me of apple sauce but with dates, it is easier than pie and just as tasty too! Think, baking, smoothies, cereal, smoothies and more. Today I was thinking pancakes with this delicious sauce as our healthy replacement for syrup. Then I decided to up the factor another notch and take apple slices coated in lime juice, sprinkled in cinnamon with some date sauce heated over the stove until the apples were soft. I added this on top of the pancakes already smothered in date sauce. It was like heaven! Warm, comforting and healthy to boot! No refined sugar, oil, dairy or gluten! I used a recipe found on this blog for the pancakes and subbed the flour for a gluten-free flour mix, and towards the very end added 1 tbsp of cocoa in the balance of the batter for a few chocolate treats! Click HERE for the recipe.
For the date sauce I soaked dates over night in a jar.
Then took the pits out, and blended the dates in the date water with 2 tsp of cinnamon and a tsp of freshly squeezed lime juice as a preservative.
Blend until smooth, pour in a jar and store in the fridge.
Smother in date sauce and Spiced Apples!
We opted for pancakes smothered in homemade cinnamon date sauce covered with warm apples!
Am I about to go on a walk? You betcha! ;)
Happy Day 6 of Vegan Month of Food!
I hope you enjoy this satisfying meal!!! We froze our extra pancakes for future breakfasts. Feel free to enjoy in one sitting, double the apples for more toppings. Makes 12-13 pancakes.
With love,
Christa xoxox
You have no idea how excited I am to share a new delicious recipe with you! Pancakes that are fluffy, gluten-free and vegan! They are light, don't stick to the pan and remind me of my moms good old fashioned home cooking. I felt like I was back home, waiting for the fresh warm pancakes to be done.
When you are in search of a gluten free pancake that are also vegan it can be hard to get the right mix, it's not like you have Bisquick to lean on.
My original gluten-free recipe for Almond Coconut Flour Pancakes turned out much worse than hoped for. I posted it and got 2 bad reviews! :'( I was so bummed, wrote back, removed the recipe and decided not to take it to heart but to take it as a challenge to make a bullet proof recipe that won't stick to your pan! I took my time. Read an article on how to keep pancakes from sticking. Reviewed numerous recipes and found one by Gluten-Free-Vegan-Girl that stood out, it sounded like she had her ups and downs with pancakes as well. I couldn't find a more satisfying picture or recipe so decided this was it, my chance at redemption!
I had 100% success! Fluffy, gluten-free and vegan pancakes that are soft like a pillow and sweet but not too sweet. Buckwheat mimics the wheat like flavor I've been seeking and who knew that buckwheat is gluten-free! It is derived from the seeds of a flowering plant. Do note that it can be used as a rotational crop so it's best to opt for a certified gluten-free batch. The topping brings these pancakes to the next level, it tastes like pie! It is a homemade sugar-free blackberry sauce made from just water, dates and berries! What? Yes!
You can serve these delicious beauties up for breakfast or have breakfast for dinner which is what we opted for!
Serve them for brunch, for a group of friends or your kiddies! I bet they won't even know they are vegan, gluten-free or healthy! :)
The Art of Making Pancakes! I've learned it's an art form. I used to just heat a pan, spray it and pour not considering that making pancakes is more than that. Here is what I learned along the way:
I find when I cook from a place of love, singing, having fun and letting go I make the most sensational meals! Is it just me or have you experienced that as well? My cooking playlist last night was primarily country love songs with Faith Hill and Shania Twain! :)
Now, lets get to business and make some insanely delicious fluffy pancakes!
With love, Christa Chocolate Quinoa Protein Pancakes
These delectable treats are packed with protein, won't leave you feeling bloated and are absolutely delicious! I can't seem to get enough chocolate lately.... so I added some cocoa! ;)
We froze the extras and ate them for breakfast with coffee throughout the week. Yum! |
Meet ChristaHi! Welcome to where you can find hundreds of vegan recipes. I love cooking, am a yoga teacher, structural integrator and so much more. It's my desire to help you find a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for being here! Search Artistic Vegan
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