I started some forbidden rice. I love the color, texture, flavor and health benefits of forbidden rice. It really adds a contrast of color! I walked away and then about 20 minutes later thought Brussels Sprouts and Tofurkey sounded good so I tossed some in our steamer and off I went.
15 minutes later the kitchen had steaming hot food dying to be eaten. Keeping the kale and mung bean sprouts in mind, I spread them down to create a nice bed of health.
- 1 cup Forbidden rice - pre-cooked in rice cooker
- 2 Tofurkey links
- 1 cup or so fresh Brussels Sprouts
- Handful - fresh mung beans
- Handful kale - de-stemmed and chopped
- Sprinkle vegan cheese
- 4 ripe sorreno peppers
- To taste: Soy Sauce, Black pepper and red pepper flakes
- Begin Forbidden Rice in rice cooker w/filtered water
- Place the tofurkey links and Brussels Sprouts in the steamer, allow to cook for 15-20 minutes.
- Spread fresh mung bean sprouts and kale in bowl, add "cheese", add the cooked Brussels Sprouts and Tofurkey links - slicing if desired.
- Take 1/2 cup of forbidden rice and place on top. Decorate with peppers, sauce and spices. Dig in!!!