Then I went GROCERY SHOPPING! I just love grocery shopping. Do you? I used to despise it. Then I dated a foodie who told me it was his most favorite thing to do because he would imagine all the good meals he would eat as a result of shopping and loved the savings of dining in vs. eating out. Ever since then I've looked at grocery shopping different and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I love to touch, feel and smell the produce.
Here are some helpful guidelines to use when shopping!
- Always read the label! If you can't pronounce it or it has die # X consider a different item. The less ingredients the better.
- Buy organic as much as possible! Read about the dirty dozen and clean fifteen here!
- Try to decrease packaged goods and buy plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables! Instead of canned salsa, make some fresh!
- Don't skimp - allow yourself that tasty piece of fruit. Try to replace bad habits with good habits. I've been replacing wine with peaches and fresh berries. I eat them raw, make jam, smoothies etc!
- Try something new!