I thought I'd start a new series called Fearless Friday, where each Friday a new fear is faced. A few years ago I made a decision to begin overcoming my fears. It started out in the desert on a camping trip. Jerry took me on a night walk by moonlight. You should have heard me. What was that? What's that? Eek? Jerry, what is that! Slowly, but surely I started to overcome fears. I never knew I had so many lurking in the dark.
One of my biggest fears has always been snakes. They scared the living daylights out of me. Then one camping trip we saw a rattle snake. It was huge! It was just resting in the shade, above from a water hole not bothering anyone. Jerry had taught me that we're not on their prey and reminded me that it didn't want anything to do with me. I could hardly hear him as my fear unglued me. He had me sit there and face me fear and I did, even with a million butterflies in my stomach. I even got this pic! Now I am not as scared and have enjoyed countless beautiful hikes from facing that fear.
Just this week we had a brown recluse in our home. Instead of having him take it outside like I ALWAYS DO, he asked to try to overcome my fear. I’d prefer starting with a daddy long leg spider but I did it! He reminded me that I wasn’t its prey and that the spider was still in shock from my scream lol. I held the paper over the cup, watched it very carefully and took it outside. I put the glass down and high tailed it back inside. You don’t have to overcome the fear gracefully. The next day, another spider. Only this time my daddy long leg. Another scream, yet another win. Plus, I feel way better having not killed either spiders.
There are so many fears. Some are creepy and crawly things, other fears are fear of death, fear of judgement and so on. Each time I turn around it seems I find a new one to face. But each time I face the fear, I grow stronger. I remember back and think well I did it then, so I know I can do it now.
I say face the fear, even if you are screaming and scared the entire time, but face it, feel the emotion and then feel the sweet sensation of overcoming the fear and watch a door open. I’ve been practicing it and it’s been really fun.
This blog wouldn’t exist if I didn’t start overcoming fears. So I ask you to begin thinking of what fears you’d like to overcome…there are only two things…fear and love….lets opt for the latter shall we?
The fear for this week was a video with voice. I’m still working on a yoga video with voice but thought I’d start with the garden. In under 4 minutes you can walk with me through our Urban Garden and see what you can do with a small space! The truth is, you can do even more! Click on Urban Garden to watch the video on YouTube!
Stay bright! Have a great weekend,