The ingredients are packed with nutritious benefits such as:
"Spirulina activates many of the different immune cells, including macrophages, T-cells, B-cells, and natural killer cells. It also activates the organs involved with immune function such as the spleen, liver, bone marrow, lymph nodes, tonsils, and thymus gland." -A Natural Physician's Healing Therapies by Mark Stengler ND, page 427
"Blueberries, being very rich in anti oxidants like Anthocyanin, vitamin C, B complex, vitamin E, vitamin A, copper (a very effective immune builder and anti-bacterial), selenium, zinc, iron (promotes immunity by raising haemoglobin and oxygen concentration in blood) etc. boost up your immune system and prevent infections."
"Researchers at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute's Molecular Immunology division have discovered that a gene, called T-bet, which is essential for producing critical immune cells in your gut, responds to the food you eat—specifically leafy green vegetables."
ILCs are thought to be essential for:
- Maintaining balance between tolerance, immunity and inflammation in your body
- Producing interleukin-22 (IL-22), a hormone that can protect your body from pathogenic bacteria
- Maintaining healthy intestinal balance by promoting growth of beneficial bacteria and healing small wounds and abrasions in the gut
- Helping resolve cancerous lesions"
Boosts your immunity
"A single orange can meet more than 100% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C. This vital nutrient helps improve your immunity, keeping you free from diseases and infections."
"According to Japanese Scientific Research, full ripe banana with dark patches on yellow skin produces a substance called TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) which has the ability to combat abnormal cells. The more darker patches it has the higher will be its immunity enhancement quality; Hence, the riper the banana the better the anti-cancer quality. Yellow skin banana with dark spots on it is 8x more effective in enhancing the property of white blood cells than green skin version.
Eating 1-2 banana/s a day increases immunity."
"Pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C. This powerful water-soluble antioxidant can naturally boost immunity and ward off disease by countering free radical production in the body. Build up of free radicals can cause excessive damage to cells, tissues, and organs leading to the onset of disease. Just one cup of fresh pineapple provides over 125 percent of a days worth of vitamin C."
"There are at least 15 minerals in dates, including selenium, an element believed to help prevent cancer and important in immune function, protein, containing 23 types of amino acids. The study concluded that dates could be considered a nearly ideal food. Improving energy, boosts overall health of nervous system, heart, bones, digestion and so much more! Dates are a mainstay in our cabinet if I can help it. :)
- ENJOY! :)
"Silver deficiency is responsible for the improper functioning of the immune system concludes Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. who has conducted extensive research into the curative properties of sliver for many years at the Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. Dr. Becker's experiments conclude that silver works on the full spectrum of pathogens without any side effects or damage to the body."
Carl Moyer, M.D., chairman of Washington University's Department of Surgery in the 1970s: "Silver is the best all-around germ fighter we have.""Because no known disease causing organism can live in the presence of even minute traces of the chemical element of metallic silver, colloidal silver is effective against more than 650 different disease causing pathogens."
"It is impossible for single celled germs to mutate into silver resistant forms, as happens with conventional antibiotics. Therefore no tolerance to Colloidal Silver ever develops. Also, Colloidal Silver cannot interact or interfere with other medicine being taken."
"Since viruses like Ebola and Hunta, or even the dreaded "flesh-eating bacteria" are in the end merely hapless viruses and bacteria. To top it off Colloidal Silver is non-toxic, making it safe for both children and adults, as well as pets. In short, anything bigger than a one-cell animal seems to like it."
PS - Today is 9/11 and I among many others are remembering those we lost 13 years ago and the millions since. May we survive these trying times, may we all be protected and lifted up, especially the helpless.