Breakfast: Master Cleanse Lemonade - get their recipe here:
Lunch: Must Have Kale Salad with 3 Ingredient Dressing |
Dinner: Creamy Potato Soup with Roasted Potatoes – Recipe: (I made ours without black beans, though its next level with them!)
Dessert: Blackberry Lime Bliss Out Cheesecake -
Link to video here.
When I was working my 9-5, I had my little trinkets in my cubicle to bring in that sense of inner peace. I was particularly fond of a card that my sweet mom gave me, it had a girl with wings hanging down from a gemstone, the card read:
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
― Howard Thurman
I would often ask myself, what would make me come to life. Often I wasn't sure, but I knew it was beyond these cubicle walls. It was later discovered, when I was falling in love with my soul mate, Gerald, that my passion would be helping others go vegan. He taught me to find my passion and share it. I found it through cooking and blogging. I would blog after work and wonder if it would ever grow beyond a few viewers. It did, slowly but surely. I often referred to it as my hobby, soon it became so much more than that. 4 years later, 2 cookbooks later, I'm finding my way. Thank you all for your love, your support, for subscribing and for reading.