- ½ Cup Brown Rice
- ½ Cup Quinoa
- 2 Cups Water
Combine ingredients in a rice cooker and press cook or cook on the stove-top.
Steamed Veggies
- 1 Carrot – Sliced into thin matchsticks
- 1 Small Head Broccoli – Chopped into Florets
- ½ Red Onion - Sliced
Steam those for about 15-20 minutes until soft.
Teriyaki Sauce
- ¼ Cup Soy Sauce
- 1/8 Cup Agave or Favorite Syrup
- 1/8 Cup Rice Vinegar
- Few Minced Roasted Garlic Cloves or Raw
Mix well. Divide your desired amount of the rice quinoa mixture in the bottom of a bowl. Spread the steamed vegetables on top and divide the sauce between the bowls. Gently mix. Opt to sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve / dig in!
Snack | Frozen Grapes
Dessert | ½ Snickers Bar each
Snack | Strawberry Rose Green Tea + 1 Plum and Kiwi each
Hearty Greek Salad
- 1 Peeled and Cubed Cucumber
- 1 Large Tomato – Diced
- ½ Red Onion – Diced
- 7-8 Stuffed Green Olives – Sliced
- 7-8 Artichoke Hearts
- 1 Cup Pre-cooked Black Beans
- Juice of 1 Large lemon
- Season with Salt and Pepper
We served ours with a heaping batch of steamed Brussels sprouts and chips. For the Brussels sprouts, take desired amount, slice off the ends, remove excess leaves, steam for 15 to 20 minutes until soft.
We probably found our way to that other ½ of the dessert. Nearly every day we enjoy cashews, water/lemonade/coffee and or tea as well. Download the PDF with these recipes, featured below. Watch the video by clicking here. To your healthy life!
Love & Light!

what_i_eat_in_a_day_10_-_recipes_-_artisticvegan.com.pdf |